Mobility Data Collaborative (MDC) - About

Our Mission

The Mobility Data Collaborative is a multi-sector forum where mobility partners gather to establish a framework for mobility data sharing. Our partners share a joint vision of leveraging mobility data to promote safe, equitable, and livable streets for all.

Our Principles

Foster Inclusivity and Equality. The Collaborative’s efforts should endeavor to benefit everyone.

Embrace Collaboration. Each partner offers unique expertise and perspectives. Together, we can accomplish more.

Support Wide Adoption. We invite all municipalities and private organizations to leverage our learnings.

Complement, not Duplicate. We never start from scratch: We build from the work and knowledge of our partners and the wider mobility community.

Act with Urgency. Our work has real, tangible impact on our city streets. We will move deliberately to bring about results.

Challenge Ourselves. We will continually adapt as new forms of mobility emerge.




Mobility Data Sharing Assessment

Today, organizations use data to recognize patterns and needs. As data is collected, collated, aggregated and analyzed, it is important to protect the privacy of individuals. The MDC and FPF collaboratively developed a practical set of resources for organizations to ensure appropriate legal and policy review of mobility data sharing initiatives.

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Glossary and Metrics

Regulators—from policymakers to infrastructure managers and planners—rely on data to make decisions. It is imperative that performance metrics are consistent across operators and regions to enable stakeholders to effectively communicate and measure the impact of new forms of mobility. Data Sharing Glossary and Metrics for Shared Micromobility provides a consensus-based set of definitions for commonly used terms and metrics.

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Data Privacy and Governance

Mobility data holds great potential to support transportation officials and their efforts to manage the public right-of-way, but the unlimited distribution of mobility data carries untested risks to privacy and public trust. Guidelines for Mobility Data Sharing Governance and Contracting provides a framework that aligns the interests of the public and private sectors while addressing privacy, transparency, data ownership, and consumer trust.

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